Social Planner Automations

All-in-one EARN GP Toolbox software

Included in Lite & Pro Versions

A social planner or scheduler for a local service business is like having a personal assistant for managing online presence and customer engagement. It helps the business owner plan and schedule posts on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Instead of manually posting updates every day, the scheduler allows the owner to plan content ahead of time, ensuring a consistent and organized online presence. This not only saves time but also ensures that the business stays active and visible on social media, reaching potential customers regularly.

Moreover, the scheduler helps in coordinating promotional activities and events. Whether it's announcing a special offer, promoting a new service, or sharing customer testimonials, the social planner allows the business owner to plan these activities in advance. This means less stress and more control over the business's online narrative. Additionally, the scheduler can help analyze the performance of posts, providing insights into what works best and helping the owner make informed decisions about their social media strategy. In simple terms, a social planner is a handy tool that makes managing social media for a local service business easier, more organized, and effective.

Social Planner Features

The Social Planner is a calendar-based system that allows you to create and schedule posts for any social media platform you have integrated.

  • Saves Time: Scheduling posts ahead saves time both in creation time but daily tasks of logging in and posting.

  • Live vs. 3rd Party Posting: Social Media used to grade posts and gave a lower grade to scheduled posts from 3rd party apps. Not any more! As long as the post contains good, quality content, it is rated the same as a live good, quality post.

  • Evergreen Content: Create posts with evergreen content. Schedule the first time it posts, then schedule how many days, weeks, months or years it will be before it posts again automatically. Using evergreen content will help keep your social media active between days you post live.

Introduction to our Social Planner Features

Images From a Demo Social Planner System

Set-Up Configuration Options:

  • Social Media Integration: Integrating your social media accounts to the platform is simple and quick.

  • Create Posts: Create posts from scratch or copy/paste copy in from other places.

  • Multiple Posting: Create the same post for all social media platforms or edit for individualization on each account. For instance, create the same post for both Facebook and Instagram, but change the image, wording or hashtags on any one of them.

  • Scheduling: Schedule each post on the calendar down to date & time. You can schedule as many posts as you like on any given day.

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