Frequently Asked Questions

I'm Not Tech Savvy Which is Why I Still Work Old School. Will This Work For Me?

You are the person I made this system for! I've automated every thing I possibly could so you can look professional and up-to-date with the very least hands-on work possible. Of course, it can't automatically send out your custom bids, but it can do everything else.

I Already Use a Bidding Software. Why Do I Need Your Services?

Our system is an all-in-one. Your bidding software probably doesn't text potential clients when you miss their call. It might not email clients automatically with your warranty info, floor cleaning instructions or appointment confirmations. It won't put potential clients that drag their feet on a drip campaign. And so many more automations...

However, if you love your bidding software, we are happy to set up a link between the two so you can use both. The link will copy client information across both platforms so you don't have to manually duplicate information. Depending on your software and the type of link required, there might be a set up fee.

Who Do You Work With?

Good question. We work with hardwood flooring businesses who install and refinish as their primary job. If you install prefinished engineered flooring or laminates/LVP, we can work with that, too.

We do not work with flooring sellers with showrooms or whose primary job is not doing the actual labor of installing or refinishing.

If you have a question as to whether your company would be a good fit, shoot us a message through our chat window or schedule a call with us. We'd love to hear from you.

Is There a Set-up Fee?

Currently there is no set up fee unless you are asking for additional customization (linking between software, customizing website, etc.)

How Long Does The Set-Up Process Take?

The set-up process length depends on the package chosen. As soon as you order your package, an set up email will be sent with a link to the onboarding questionnaire. Fill this out as soon as possible, so we can get started on our end. The entire process should be a couple days for the Silver Package to a week for the Platinum Package.

Am I Locked Into a Contract?

No, not at all. We want you to to be happy with the service we provide. If you are not satisfied that our automations help you and your business, you can cancel anytime. The only exception is the 3-month minimum on the Platinum Package. We use 3rd party software to handle a lot of the SEO grunt work. The 3-month minimum covers the costs associated with those services.

I Already Have a Website. Can I Still Use Your Automations?

Yes! We can add the calendar, forms, chat bubble, etc., to your website (doesn't matter the platform).

Can I Switch From One Package to Another?

Yes, at any time (with the exception of the 3-mo minimum on the Platinum package). If you downgrade, we will refund the difference for the number of days left in the month. If you upgrade, we will send you a separate invoice for the difference for that month.

How Do You Know What My Hardwood Flooring Business Needs?

I don't know how your business is run, but I suspect your needs are similar to ours. We've been in the hardwood flooring business for almost 30 years. The automations have streamlined our business to the point that my office duties are at a minimum. I only get involved when my husband has a technical question, which is seldom.

What Does Your Automated System NOT Do?

Our system does not deal with employees (timecards or payroll). Our system does not do accounting tasks. However, we can link up your accounting software if you would like (additional fees may apply).

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What is a Tracking Phone Number?

A tracking number acts a mediator between marketing and the business. Anytime a potential client calls or texts the tracking number (vs. your business line or individual cell phone), it creates a customer in the system that can then be added to a workflow that can interact with them automatically (opt-out language always provided).

This holds true for all forms, calendars and chat widgets your potential client interacts with. It adds their information to the system and marks the source or the first interaction you have with them (website, GMB messaging, Facebook Message, etc.) This shows where your potential clients are coming from so you can focus on using that platform to its fullest.

Tracking numbers are local mobile numbers included with your subscription. We will replace the local tracking number with your business number on your website, social media and other online presence. The tracking number automatically forwards to your business line, cell phone or the App so your potential clients won't know the difference. If we forward the tracking number to your business line or cell phone and you start calling or texting from those numbers, no further tracking information will be obtained. If the number goes to the App and all your interactions go through the App, tracking data is recorded for all interactions. It's up to you how you want it set up.

Does A2P 10DLC Registration Affect Me?

Any business who texts their clients on a business line (vs. personal cell phone) should register their phone number so all text messages get through.

This regulation came about by the overuse of mass marketing spam texts that everyone despises. However, it has trickled down to all businesses, even if they text clients only on a one-to-one basis from their business line. The rule was instigated by the large cell phone carriers, but no agency or phone number is exempt from being blocked if they don't register.

The cutoff for setting up existing numbers is August 31, 2023. If the application hasn't been approved prior to that date, your text messages will likely not be delivered.

New numbers set up after August 31 will need to be registered prior to sending out texts with it. The registration process is straight forward and will register your tracking number for you (the application fee is between $5 and $50, depending on if you are will be mass texting). Registration approvals are taking anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Please note, none of our workflows including any type of mass texting.

Does it Cost Money to Use the Tracking Number for Calls and Texts (and Automatic Emails)?

We cover the monthly fee to keep the tracking number active and we cover you with a credit towards calls/texts/emails. The credit amount depends on the package you choose. For normal hardwood business dealings you probably won't use more than the credit given. However, your business might be different. In that case, any charges over the credit amount will be billed at the following:

• Making Calls $0.042/min ($10 will give you about 240 calls)

• Receiving Calls $0.0255/min ($10 will give you about 390 calls)

• Text Messages $0.0237/segment of 250 characters ($10 will give you about 420 segments)

• Emails $0.002025/email ($10 will give you about 4940 emails)

What About AI Chat Bot Conversations & Image AI?

Yep, we've got it and we can set it up for you. There might be a set up fee depending on the customization.

Chat Bot messages are billed at approximately $.010/message.

Content AI is approximately $0.18 per 1000 words generated.

Image AI is approximately $0.19/image.

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