1. Blog & News ARticle Writing Services

We have several options for our blog writing services based on your needs and budget. Contact us to discuss the options.

  • Blog Post Writing 2x/Month or 1x/Week: We can publish several blog posts per month as required. Blog posts will be written from several different categories (see below), so the content is fresh and interesting.

  • Requirements: We want to make sure our posts are authentic and accurate, so we do require from the business owner either editing after we write or guidance on themes and topics prior to writing.

  • Posting: Each blog post will be published to your website with additional posting/linking from your social media accounts (either manually or scheduled).

Blog Topics and Themes

A blog is a very credible way to continuously add quality content to your website. Whether it is a blog topic or a news article, the information adds to the authority of your website. Here are some good topics or ideas that can be discussed in a blog or news article:

  • Show a Different POV: Your service pages contain all your regular content. With a blog post, you can show a different point of view using the same keyword phrases.

  • Negative Keywords: You can use keywords that will attract potential customers that you wouldn't normally use on your website. A good example is comparing the brands you use to other brands. If someone searches for that other brand and finds your website, you can convince them why your brand is better.

  • Major Insights: Posts are a good way to expand on major teaching insights or secrets to your industry.

  • FAQs: Blog posts are a great way to expand on one particular Frequently Asked Question; preferably one that is found as a question many people ask Google.

  • Questions You Should Ask: Educate your potential client with a list that they should ask before deciding on a particular company. Tell them why those questions are important.

  • Objection Responses: Blog posts are great places to explain and overcome objections to your product or service.

  • What They Don't Want You to Know: Give away the secrets (or perceived secrets) your industry has that your competitors don't want the public to know. The more forthcoming you are, the more they trust you.

2. Case Study Publishing

Case Studies are more than just a glorified blog post. Case Studies are written in a concise format that details one particular business success or business insight to show expertise in that area. A case study will be set apart from the blog posts on your website and can be used offline as social proof of your expertise. Some clients print their case studies and give out to potential clients during bids. From a case study, a Press Release can be written and submitted to reference the case study and your expertise in the your marketplace.

  • 1 or 2 Case Studies/Month: We will write up one or two case studies each month depending on your needs, budget and available completed projects or insights.

  • Posting: Each case study will be published to your website with additional posting/linking on your social media accounts (either manually or scheduled).

  • Requirements: We will need a bullet point checklist of your completed project with the main points that make the project unique or challenging. Please include brands or specifics on products/tools/techniques used. We will also need several images of the project, preferably before/after photos to show the change or improvement.

How Can a Case Study Help My Business?

  • Improved Local Search Rankings: Local SEO techniques help businesses appear in local search results, especially in the "Local Pack" or "Map Pack" on search engine result pages (SERPs). Higher rankings in local searches increase the visibility of the business to users in the local area.

  • Positive Impact on User Experience: SEO strategies, such as optimizing website structure and improving page load speed, contribute to a positive user experience. A user-friendly website is more likely to retain visitors and convert them into customers.

  • Competitive Advantage: Properly implemented SEO strategies give local service businesses a competitive edge over competitors who may not be optimizing for local search. Ranking higher in local searches can attract more customers and drive business growth.

3. Press Releases

Submitting Press Releases is not a common practice among local service-based businesses, unless it's a grand opening announcement. With that said, submitting press releases for local service businesses is a social proof strategy that your competitors are not implementing.

Our Press Release Writing & Submission Services:

  • 1 or 2 Press Releases/Month: We write and submit one or two press releases per month based on your needs and budget. Press Releases will be promoting a good case study, news article, event, or other news-worthy item.

  • Submissions: The press release will be submitted to 40-60 news outlets and media sites, and can include
    Benzinga, DigitalJournal, Newsmax and more.

How Do Press Releases Help the Local Small Service Business?

Implementing quarterly or monthly press releases can help with:

  • Quality Backlinks: When a press release is submitted, there is a sudden influx of quality online news websites that are linking to your website or case study. These links have a higher authority signal because of their source and Google sees this.

  • Promote Business: If potential clients see the press release, it can help promote your business. This is especially helpful when submitting to local news agencies.

  • Keyword Optimization: Including relevant keywords in your press release can contribute to better search engine visibility for those terms. This is particularly beneficial when people search for news related to your industry or business.

  • Local SEO Boost: Press releases that include local information, such as events or community involvement, can positively impact your local SEO efforts. Local news outlets and community websites may pick up and share these releases, leading to more visibility in local search results.

  • Diverse Content: Search engines value diverse and fresh content. Press releases offer an opportunity to create newsworthy content, which search engines may interpret as relevant and valuable to users.

  • Long-Term Visibility: Well-optimized press releases can have a lasting impact on search engine visibility. Over time, they may continue to appear in search results for relevant queries, providing ongoing exposure for your brand.

It's important to note that Google's algorithms are dynamic and may change over time. We stay updated on local SEO best practices and adapt your strategy accordingly.

4. Reputation management

Reputation Management or Review Management can be categorized in any of our services. It encompasses Website SEO and Automations in addition to Social Proof. However, it's the Social Proof of the review that makes it so important.

Our Reputation Management Services Include:

  • Optimizing Google Business Profile: By setting up and/or optimizing your GBP, potential customers can easily find your business and your reviews. This service is part of our SEO management.

  • Automating Review Requests: Using our system, review requests will be easy. We will set up automated emails to go out a few days after you complete a job, requesting a Google review from the customer. The email will have a link directly to your Google review page. We can also set a series of emails to go out to anyone who has not currently written a review.

  • Manual Review Requests: Using our system, you can manually request reviews easily at any time either on the platform or from the mobile app. The request can either be emailed or texted to your client with links directly to your Google review page.

  • Google & Facebook Reviews Published to Your Website: Our system has a simple widget that easily integrates with any website platform to publish Google and Facebook Reviews right to the main page on your site. We'll integrate both your Google and Facebook platforms to pull those reviews automatically.

  • Google Review Replies & Disputes: Our mobile app notifies you of any new Google Reviews so you can quickly reply and thank the client either for the nice review or for the constructive feedback. Instead of logging into Google to reply, our mobile app makes it as easy as a text to respond to your Google review. If you need to dispute a review, you can do it easily on our mobile app as well. (If you have ever had to figure out to dispute a review on Google, you will appreciate how easy we make this task!)

  • Offline Reviews Published: Any testimonials or reviews you receive offline (text message, voicemail, email, etc.) can easily be added to your website, either as an image or text designed nicely on your front page or a separate reviews page. These are just additional social proof that we can scatter around your website.

Reputation management is crucial for small local service businesses as it involves actively influencing and controlling how the business is perceived by its customers and the public. A positive reputation can lead to increased trust, customer loyalty, and business growth.

Why Social Proof?

Social proof is a powerful psychological phenomenon that influences people to make decisions based on the actions and opinions of others. For small local service-based businesses, social proof can play a crucial role in building trust, credibility, and attracting new customers. Social proof can be shown in many ways, but we will focus on using Content Marketing and Reputation Management to show Social Proof for local service-based businesses. And here's why:

  • Builds Trust and Credibility: Positive reviews, testimonials, and endorsements from satisfied customers serve as social proof, assuring potential customers that your business is reputable and trustworthy. People are more likely to trust the opinions of their peers, so showcasing positive experiences of past customers can significantly enhance your business's credibility.

  • Influences Purchase Decisions: Potential customers often look for validation from others before making a purchase decision. Positive social proof can influence their perception and encourage them to choose your services over competitors. Reviews and testimonials can provide specific insights into the positive aspects of your services, addressing potential concerns and uncertainties.

  • Word-of-Mouth Amplification: Social proof extends the reach of word-of-mouth marketing. When satisfied customers share their positive experiences on social media or review platforms, it can reach a wider audience, potentially attracting new customers.

  • Differentiates Your Business: In a competitive local market, social proof sets your business apart. If customers see that others have had positive experiences with your services, they may be more inclined to choose you over competitors who lack such evidence.

  • Boosts Online Presence and Local SEO: Positive reviews and testimonials contribute to your online presence. Search engines often consider reviews when ranking local businesses. More positive reviews can lead to improved local search rankings, making it easier for potential customers to find you online.

  • Encourages Referrals: Satisfied customers are more likely to refer your business to friends, family, or colleagues. Word-of-mouth referrals are a powerful form of social proof that can lead to a steady stream of new customers.

  • Humanizes Your Brand: Social proof humanizes your business by showcasing real people who have benefited from your services. This personal connection helps potential customers relate to your brand and feel more comfortable engaging with your business.

  • Demonstrates Consistency: A consistent stream of positive social proof signals that your business consistently delivers quality services. This consistency can strengthen your reputation and make customers more confident in choosing your services.

  • Encourages User-Generated Content: Encourage customers to share their experiences through photos, videos, or social media posts. User-generated content serves as authentic social proof and engages your audience.

  • Mitigates Negative Feedback: Addressing negative feedback transparently and professionally can also serve as a form of social proof. Demonstrating your commitment to customer satisfaction can turn a negative experience into a positive one.

Social proof is a valuable asset for small local service-based businesses. Leveraging positive reviews, testimonials, and other forms of social proof can help build trust, attract new customers, and strengthen your business's reputation within the local community.

Social Proof via Content Marketing

Content marketing, including the creation of good quality blog posts, case studies, and press releases, can offer several benefits for improving Google rankings and overall online visibility. Here are some key advantages:

  • Improved Search Engine Rankings: High-quality content provides relevant information to users, which search engines reward with higher rankings. Regularly updated and fresh content signals to search engines that the website is active and relevant.

  • Keyword Optimization: Well-researched and targeted content allows you to incorporate relevant keywords naturally, improving your chances of ranking for those terms.

  • Increased Organic Traffic: Quality content that answers user queries attracts organic traffic to your website, reducing reliance on paid advertising for visibility.

  • Establishing Authority and Expertise: In-depth blog posts, case studies, and press releases help showcase your expertise and establish your brand as an authority in your industry.

  • User Engagement and Retention: Compelling and informative content keeps users engaged, encouraging them to spend more time on your site. This can reduce bounce rates and improve overall user experience, both of which can positively impact rankings.

  • Backlink Opportunities: High-quality content attracts natural backlinks from other websites, which can significantly boost your site's authority and search engine rankings.

  • Social Media Amplification: Shareable content, such as blog posts and case studies, can be promoted on social media platforms, increasing your content's reach and visibility.

  • Supporting PR Efforts: Press releases are an excellent way to announce newsworthy events, product launches, or achievements. They can generate media coverage and attract attention, contributing to brand visibility.

  • Long-Term Value: Evergreen content, such as in-depth guides or informative blog posts, continues to provide value over time, attracting traffic and maintaining relevance.

  • Enhanced User Trust and Credibility: Providing valuable, accurate, and well-researched information builds trust with your audience and enhances your brand's credibility.

  • Adaptability to Various Formats: Content can be repurposed into different formats, such as infographics, videos, or podcasts, expanding its reach and catering to different audience preferences.

  • Improved Conversion Rates: Informative content helps educate users about your products or services, influencing their decision-making process and potentially leading to higher conversion rates.

A robust content marketing strategy that includes high-quality blog posts, case studies, press releases and Reputation Management can positively impact your website's SEO by enhancing visibility, user engagement, and authority in your industry. It's essential to focus on creating valuable, relevant, and shareable content to achieve these benefits over the long term.

DIY Ideas for Business Owners

The above ideas are all items an agency that focuses on social proof can do for your business. In addition, consider the following actions that only the local business owner or employee can do:

Request Reviews: Make it a habit of asking for Google reviews whenever you complete a job or when people mention their satisfaction of your services. If they don't leave a Google review but express satisfaction via a text, voicemail or email, those can still use them as testimonials on your website, blog posts, etc.

Take Lots of Pictures: If you are in an industry that uses before/after pictures to show your work and expertise, take lots and lots of pictures...even if it's just another job. You can never have enough pictures that your agency could use for case studies, blog posts and just pictures for your website.

Use Case Studies to Sell: Print out your case studies and give them to prospective clients during bids or other events where you encounter prospective clients. Case studies are offline documentation that shows your work and experience.

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