Missed Call Text Back Automations

All-in-one EARN GP Toolbox software

Included in Lite & Pro Versions

Missed call text back is a nifty tool that can really boost efficiency for a local service business. Imagine a scenario where a customer tries to call, but the business owner is busy or unable to answer. Instead of playing phone tag or waiting for a return call, the missed call text back feature automatically sends a text message to the customer. This message can acknowledge the missed call, provide essential information, and even offer a quick link to schedule an appointment or get more details. It's like turning a missed opportunity into an instant connection.

For the local service business owner, this means no more lost leads or potential customers slipping through the cracks. The missed call text back system acts as a helpful assistant, ensuring that every customer inquiry is addressed promptly. It's not just about responding to missed calls; it's about engaging with customers efficiently and making it easy for them to connect with the business. This can lead to more bookings, better customer satisfaction, and an overall streamlined communication process. In essence, missed call text back is a small yet powerful tool that turns missed calls into opportunities, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of a local service business.

Missed Call Text Back Features

With the virtual tracking number we use, we have the ability to help you catch some of the potential clients even if you miss their call.

Local businesses miss 64% of calls because they are too busy to answer the phone or are on the other line with someone else. If the prospective customer doesn't get a call back or some form of communication, they will move on to the next company they find (your competitor).

  • Use: When you miss a call from the tracking number, the system automatically texts something like, "Hey sorry we missed your call. How can we help you?" This will start a text conversation even if you are too busy to take the call or text right then. This gives an opening that looks like you are available to chat and the potential client does not move onto the next company.

  • Marketing: If you were able to "talk" with 100% of the people who call you, how would that affect your bottom line?

Introduction to our Missed Call Text Back Features

Images From a Demo MCTB System

Set-Up Configuration Options:

  • Set-Up: Set up is easy and can be implemented in a matter of a few minutes. It runs off an automated workflow we've already created.

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